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February Skater of the Month

Name: Sherie Gee

Age: 54

Marital Status: Single

Have been skating for how long: I started inline skating in 2010 in indoor meets and outdoor competition. I have skated on quads since I was a kid.

Equipment Brand and Type: I'm on Powerslides right now but just put in an order for the Luigino Ultra Challenge. I'm using a high low frame.

Life Philosophy: My philosophy is to live life to the fullest and not to have any regrets.

Favorite Time of Day to Skate: Late morning when the air is still crisp. If I'm on the trails then I can see all kinds of wildlife such as deer, rabbits, lizards, birds, and snakes. I've seen three types of snakes so far, a coral snake, green garter snake and a bull snake.

Favorite Skating Event: Texas Road Rash

Awards/Competitive Wins: A few 2nd place medals in indoor meets and a few 1st and 2nd places in the Houston Inline Marathon and Texas Road Rash events.

Biggest skating adventure: The first time I did the Road Rash coming down that first hill, I freaked out and ditched myself in the grass so I didn't hurt myself or anyone else. I did get back up and finished the race. All my races and practices are skating adventures especially "Mt. Everest" at the Veloway.

What do you get from Skating: I get so much out of skating. First, it has helped me improve my health including my cholesterol, triglicerides, and blood sugars. I am pre-diabetic so the skating has helped keep me off insulin. Second, it has given me so much confidence as a person, I feel I can tackle anything in life. Third, it is just so much fun, like being a kid again. Makes you feel young!

Would Like to Do This Year in Skating: Complete a marathon and work on my form. I would also like to skate in the Napa Valley race in June.

Coolest Accomplishment: Advanced scuba certification

Other Sports/Hobbies you Enjoy: Scuba diving, snow skiing, spin cycling

Mentors: My indoor coach helped encouraged me to start inline skating. I learn from talking to many other skaters.

Favorite Skating Gadget/Tool: The Allen wrench is the only tool I have used.

Helpful Advice to Beginners: Never give up! The hardest and scariest thing for me to do was putting the skates on. I was only used to quads. Once you get past that the rest will come. Practice as much as you can and set goals for yourself. Have fun!

Favorite Quotes: Live life to the fullest. YOLO (You Only Live Once)! I also like Nicole's quote, "Feel empowered...Stretch, grow, break through comfort zones often." (This is the only way to learn and experience new things).

Sherie Gee Photo